First off, Happy 27th birthday to my wonderfully awesome hubby, Pete. That's us above. I've had pics of me on many of my last blog posts...figure I will keep up the trend for one for That's us in Cocoa Beach over Easter Weekend (we went down to visit his parents).To the side is him with Mini-Me, Blondie-Girl and my mom at my nieces' First Communion. Those kids sure like him. I think you can tell alot about a person if children like them! (Side note, my sister, Meg took that pics...she's such a great photographer). We had a fun little party for him down in Fishers, Indiana, my hometown, on Sunday. I got him a little RC helocopter, which he's been bugging me for. You'd think he was turning 7 instead of 27 the way he's been carrying on about wanting Also, he is getting a grill so my family got him various grill related present. I can almost taste the ribs and hamburgers now :)
Also, happy belated birthday to the Book in the Oven Blog! We celebrated our first year of writing about my author struggles on April 22nd! I only realized it because I remembered blogging about Pete's birthday last year. Oops. I can't believe that it has been a full year, although I've had a couple blogging holidays. I've not been as faithful as some of my blogging buddies!
I love this blog because it gives me a space to connect with other aspiring writers and even some published authors. I don't know anyone who has ever had the dream to write a novel and it makes me feel like it is something I can do since there are other people in similar situations trying to obtain the same dream. I feel more connected...and it gives me motivation. I loved finding this world of voices and reading about your lives. So really, on my First Blogging Aniversary--and I hope it doesn't sound lame--but, I want to thank the other bloggers for all the interesting and touching stories you have posted for everyone to read. I really do love all of your blogs :).
It's funny to look back and think about where I was last year. When I wrote about Pete's 26th birthday I had been working on a different story (well, similar, but the plot line split and basically everything I had done this time last year was thrown out--well, thrown aside for a different book later on. Now I'm about 70% done with the plot line on my current novel and I can really see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully by the 2nd birthday I will be well into the submission process. Either way, I'm going to have a fun time getting there!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Happy Birthday Pete and Happy Birthday Blog!
7:44 AM
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15 tidbits:
Happy Birthday Pete!
Happy birthday to Pete. Before I read your text, I thought that second picture was from the 50's or 60's or something. Must be the coloring. Anyhow, cool picture.
Happy Blog Anniversary by the way. If it wasn't for the web as a place to share my writing, I don't think I would've kept trying this long either.
Birthday greetings all around - and best of luck with that book!
Congratulations on your year of blogging! Full steam ahead to submission status! I'm sure you'll make it.
Also, a happy birthday to your obviously charming husband. Many more to the 'Copter guy!
Happy birthday to Pete and to your blog. The book sounds great. You really CAN see the light, can't you?
I'm on my revisions and am feeling a bit bogged down at the moment. Your blog as lifted me UP and so I'm going to go and type up some rewrites. Cheers, :)
@Travis- Thanks :)
@writer- It's a function on various picture editors called Sepia that makes it look old like that.
@Beth- Thank you :) Best of luck with all your stuff too!
@Kat- I am sure I will...I just want to be there now patience!
@Robyn- Good luck with your revisions :) I know that you'll do great :-D
That light at the end of the tunnel feeling is a great one, isn't it?
Happy birthday blog! (and pete) BTW you and your husband are supercute in that pic :)
@lynn- Thanks :) Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel is so nice--and reading about people like you who finally did finish the manuscript and floating it makes me hope that one day I will be doing that too :)
Oh, and I was looking back through my first couple post as prep for this post and I found that you were my very first commenter (is that the right word?)!
Happy birthday/blogiversary all around! Twenties? Geeze...I can hardly remember my twenties! Best to you both (& to the blog.) Cheers!
Happy Birthday to Pete, and to the blog.
@Lana- lol...yeah...20's go back quickly...I'm in the thick of them and hardly remember them :)
@Stu- thanks :)
27! My goodness that seems so oun. I do remember my 27th well though.
Happy birthday! Ya'll are so cute!
wow, I'm honored to have been first! I love hearing about your writing journey, and I can't wait to congratulate you on finishing your novel--then you get to try the joys of writing query letters! ;)
Happy Blog Anniversary, Lauren,
and belated happy Birthday to your husband!
Good luck with your "Book in the Oven" - I am sure you will succeed, you have got the talent and the stamina! :-)
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