Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bitten By the Writing Bug

After forcing myself to get my Draft 2 of my first 12k words to my CPs even though I didn't feel like writing has now made me want to write all the time! But unfortunately this week is finals week in the two classes I am taking and has big projects due at work and my sister is coming to visit this weekend--so no writing for me right now...

One of my biggest problems in my writing is what I call the "And Then. And Then. And THEN!" phenomenon where the plot races forward at break-neck speed without any changes in pacing. I've managed to find a few places to interject a slower speed. Next I am going to see what I can do to add some additional tension to these scenes. Ew, good blog post idea. Expect to see something about adding tension to scenes shortly :)

5 tidbits:

Spy Scribbler said...

Totally! I'm a "roll" person. If I stop writing, I don't really want to write. If I write, I get on a roll, and I don't want to stop.

Good luck with finals!

Rachel Burton said...

Yup, I always have to go pack and slice out a bunch of "suddenly"s and some "then"s! Good luck with your finals!

Rick said...

It seems like you really are coming to grip with pacing issues, and that you're doing it quite well.

LoveRundle said...

Good luck with your finals and when you get the chance, write! Finals first though. As hard as it is.

Lauren said...

A little late follow up, but thanks everyone for your comments. I ended up getting As in both my classes and for my Introduction to Advanced Math the only way I could get an A was to get the high (despite the dean thinking I'd have to drop since it had been so long since I had Calculus! hah!)

Anyhoo, thanks again Spy, Rachel and Christina for the well wishes they did help! And to Rick for the comment on pacing.

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