Thursday, August 6, 2009

Getting Back into the Flow of Things

I am recovering this week from my week off last week. First priority is school. That's almost all caught up. Second priority is writing. I've done a little bit, but this weekend Pete is the one with the busy social schedule and I am the one with nothing to do (by design). Friday and Saturday I will spend on writing. I will not make plans. I will not go out (other than to the coffee shop). I will stay in and write, write, write.

So, I've been patchy on the commenting, but now that I am back in the swing of things, that too will be better :)

New comments on the weight loss. I've lost 2 of the needed 10 pounds, but haven't been that great on the no drinking thing. I have cut way back as I've only drunk a couple times and both times only had one drink. However, I think that I have developed an alcohol allergy (in addition to maybe something else) so this will make giving up drinking even easier. Hey, there is always a positive thing. Per directions of a friend of mine who is an RN I am keeping a food journal and will go to doctor after I have collected 2-4 weeks of data.

14 tidbits:

Tana said...

Love your picture, I swear it looks exactly like me by my pool lol! Take the weight loss easy and slow. It's a pound a week I think they recommend right? ANd good for you for staying away from the drinks!

Barry said...

My wife has a slight allergy to alcohol. Her skin turns red and she feels uncomfortable, so seldom drinks.

And I haven't been allowed near alcohol since my cancer was diagnosed back in March.

So, suddenly we are teetotalers. Without any real thought or planning on our behalf.

Good to have you in our club.

Charles Gramlich said...

I can see where an alcohol allergy would be a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Good job with the weight loss and good luck with the writing. I'm sure it will be brilliant. :)

Elizabeth Bradley said...

It looks to me, by your picture that you are an itty bitty thing, too much liquor isn't likely to agree with your system, especially if you're dieting. Take care of yourself.

Lauren said...

@t. anne- Thanks. It's not my pool, though, it's my in-law's.

@barry- Chicago's favorite pastime is drinking. Every day for the past two weeks I've had to say no while those around me had some.

@charles- yeah, I hope that it doesn't end up being that, but I am feeling like it might me.

@writer- Thanks :)

@elizabeth- Yes, I am super short :) And it's a single glass makes me sick, which is not fun :-/.

Barrie said...

May you have a very productive writing weekend!

Reader Wil said...

Difficult to reach a goal! I have given up to lose weight. The only thing I want is to wear my clothes next year. Thanks for your visit!

Uninvoked said...

I am so jealous of you. I want a pool to write by. My desk was $50 at goodwill and looked like someone had artistically sketched dragon vomit all across the top. (My fiance's mother says this is called antiquing or some such thing.)

hours of sanding and staining later it is now an amazing looking desk that you can hear words whisper out of if you listen closely enough.

Lauren said...

@barrie- it has been productive thus far, but mostly on my school-related writing.

@wil-actually the clothes thing is the whole reason I want to lose weight. It's either lose it or buy all new clothes.

@uninvoked- Thanks for visiting my blog. It's not my pool in the picture. I live in a condo so no pool for me :) The pool belongs to my in-laws down in Florida so I only see it once or twice a year :). I write at a dining room table most days.

Author Kelly Moran said...

great blog. i'm following you now. you should pop on over/follow mine. i have all things books...
nice to meet you.

Lauren said...

Thanks for the follow :) I will go over and check out your blog :)

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

how did you start school and get to finals in one week?

Lauren said...

@shelli- Finals for the summer semester are now. Fall semester starts in two weeks. Fun times :-P

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