Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Flu

I am in the final recovery stages from the flu. I was one of the lucky ones to catch the end of the season full flu (both the cold-style and body miserableness). The biggest pain in being sick isn't just the feeling crappy but how totally messed up all the due dates and everything gets right after. As those of you who follow my blog will know, I'm very overly busy, which I can usually keep up on, but being out of commission for three days was very not good.

On the writing front, I revised a couple chapters this week, but nothing major. I was so sick that I couldn't even write or blog. Tomorrow morning I will post a MTM on the Columbia Yacht Club and tomorrow night I will make it around to all your blogs, I promise!

9 tidbits:

Unknown said...

Whew, that's good you are in recovery- hope you get completely better soon!

I totally know what you mean about being too sick to write. I just got over a killer cold, and I felt really bad neglecting my writing- but my head was so congested anything I wrote probably would have been nonsense! :p

Bayjb said...

I hope you feel better! Ick, the flu, doesn't sound like fun.

Sepiru Chris said...

Get well soon; it sucks being sick.

stu said...

Get well soon, and good luck with the catching up.

Unknown said...

all of us know how having a flu makes one feel.

Get well soon Lauren.

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better. The stomach part of it is the worst.


Lauren said...

Everyone- Thanks for the get well soon wishes. I am feeling much better today! :)

paintandink said...

I hope you are feeling better... ugh, the flu is a nasty opponent.

paintandink said...

I guess that should have been, "I'm glad you're feeling better!"

I always forget to read comments before commenting myself :)

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